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Preparing For A Gaming Developer Interview – Landing Your Dream Job Easy!

    In this article, I’m going to go over some common questions that might come up during an interview process, along with tips on how to respond to them properly. This is by no means an exhaustive list (after all, every company has different requirements), but should give you enough info to make sure you don’t stumble when answering these types of questions.

    Note: If you have any other questions about how to break into the gaming industry, feel free to contact us!

    1. Why Do You Want To Be A Game Developer?

    This question shows interest in the position being advertised. Make sure that you’re able to answer why you want to work at the studio, even if you don’t believe you’d actually like to do the job.

    A good response would be something like “To create my own original titles.” This demonstrates that you know what you want, and can think outside the box.

    2. What Are Your Own Priorities As A Gamer/Developer?

    Asking this kind of question is a great way to find out more about potential candidates. They’ll need to know what their priorities are, so make sure you’ve got an idea of yours before you start interviewing. Don’t worry too much about whether you agree with theirs – after all, they’re your priorities, and that’s what matters most.

    If you’re unsure, say something like “I love creating new experiences for players.” This will show that you’re passionate about developing games, which is always important.

    3. What Are The Main Skillset(s) And Qualification(s) Of A Good Programmer Or Engineer?

    Programmers and engineers are often thought of as interchangeable terms, but there are differences between them. Knowing the difference can help you frame your answers correctly here.

    For example, a programmer must understand coding, whereas a programmer also needs to understand design elements. An engineer typically focuses on design, while also having knowledge of engineering principles. There are many levels of expertise within each field, so make sure you aren’t pigeonholed into thinking you only need one type of skill set.

    You could say something like “Well, I’m still learning right now, but I am working towards completing my degree in Computer Science at the moment.” This shows openness to education, which is generally a plus.

    4. How Much Experience In Games Is Required?

    The amount of experience required depends largely on the project itself. Generally speaking, if you haven’t worked on AAA-quality titles, less than five years’ worth of experience may suffice. However, if you have previous experience doing programming on smaller projects, then it may take longer.

    It’s best to keep things simple with this sort of question. Just say something like “It really depends on the size of the team, and the specific responsibilities of the role.” This gives the impression that you can handle whatever situation comes across your path.

    5. What Kind Of Projects Does A Typical Game Development Team Work On?

    When you’re talking about typical projects, you’re referring to small indie games that are under $100 million dollars in sales. These kinds of games are usually made by teams of 2-10 people.

    Generally, a good response to this question would be “Anything from small mobile games to larger PC games,” depending on where you see yourself fitting in. By saying “larger PC” games, you’re implying that you’re interested primarily in bigger titles.

    Another thing to note is that you shouldn’t ever lie about the size of your current team. Even though you may not currently have a title released yet, it doesn’t mean you can’t contribute in other areas. Being open about the size of your team makes it appear that you’re willing to learn.

    6. What Type Of Platforms Are Most Popular Amongst Developers Today?

    While platforms are changing rapidly, today’s most popular platforms include Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, 3DS, iOS, Android, Steam, and Windows 8. This is because developers tend to focus on those platforms first, since they have higher profit margins.

    Also, while consoles are becoming increasingly popular, PC gaming remains strong. That’s because gamers prefer to use PCs instead of consoles simply due to preference. Consoles are expensive to buy, and require additional hardware purchases. PCs are cheaper and offer better graphics performance.

    So, a good response to this question would be something like “PC, console, and mobile!” This shows that you’re aware of all three markets.

    7. What Other Skills Could Help Me Get Started?

    This is another tricky question to answer. You can’t tell them that you lack certain skills, so you need to keep it vague. Something like “Other interests?” or “What else do you bring to the table besides your talents as a gamer/developer?”

    Or, you could choose to elaborate on your qualifications. For instance, you could mention that you have a background in art or illustration, or that you’re familiar with using Adobe Creative Suite. Anything that helps build trust with the interviewer.

    Remember, you never know who will be reading these responses. Even if you don’t end up getting hired, you can use this opportunity to network and meet others in the industry.

    Good luck with the interviews!

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